What’s on the annual test?

 Here are some helps to being ready to take the Iowa Basic Test.  

Each grade level test includes the following topics:
>Reading passages with questions from the passages  
>Written expression --best way to express ideas, conclusions,  topic sentences, flow of ideas,
                    identifying run-on sentences, unifying ideas, letter writing., outlining, possessives,  
                   commas used with lists of items,   
>Mathematics - concepts, reading charts, multiplication, addition, division, subtraction, shapes,  
                    angles, computation of problems.
>Mathematics Computation
>Spelling -choosing the word spelled correctly.
>I am offering a special day for testing science and social studies portion of the test for grades 5-12.   

Grade 3 - Skills being tested
Difficult words: curious, passage, staggering, stilts, wobbles, squawk, exclaimed,
                         attire, trudge, plod, rhyme, stomachache, underlined, motorcycle,
                         penguin, unusual, campaign, jigsaw, temperature, dashed line,
Written expression --best way to express ideas, conclusions,  topic sentences, flow of ideas,
             identifying run-on sentences, using the right verb tense of words and matching subject with verb (plural and singular -has, have, for example.)  Finding unnecessary words in a sentence.
Capitalization,  - proper names, addresses, titles (Mrs., Mr.  Dr. etc.)  
Punctuation - periods, questions, colons, commas, dates, apostrophe,  
Math Terms: rectangle, fraction, angles, represent, solid figure, amount, related to,  multiplication, pattern, grams, kilograms, square, tallied, “many more”,  triangle, diagram, fraction, value, angle, unit, square, area, tallied, perimeter, estimate, measurement, dozen, surface, digit, operation, millimeters, meters, feet, inches, degrees, Celsius, diagram, cubes, figures, displays, pictograph, results, mathematics, equation, represent, probability, random, inequality, polygon, value, expression, computation,
Math skills - subtraction , addition, multiplication, division.  
Problems are put sideways   5 - 3 = ?  They will need to know how to write the problem to compute it.           5
                          - 3

Grade 4
Difficult Words - stilts, staggering, certain, passage, fiction, characters, herded, trudge,
                           Competing, jaguars, disqualified, pantry, cellar, paragraph, caboose,
                           Oval, absent, campaign,
Written expression --best way to express ideas, conclusions,  topic sentences, flow of ideas,                     identifying run-on sentences, using the right verb tense of words, subject-verb                           agreement.  (plural and singular -has, have, for example.)  Finding unnecessary words in                 a sentence.
Capitalization- proper names, addresses, titles (Mrs., Mr.  Dr. etc.)  days of the week                     Punctuation - period, question mark, colon, comma, semi-colon,  
Math Terms- pattern, estimate, Celsius, angle, measure, fraction, value, triangle, dashed line, cubes, solid figure, number sentence, circles, survey, pictograph, displayed, equation, figure, square, equal, length, probability, random, inequality, reasonable, polygon, value, expression, least, digits, cylinder, pyramid, length,   expression, represents, perimeter, range, capacity, least, symmetry, height, nearest, three-dimensional, median, quartile, mean, telling time, sum, measurement, feet, diagram, quarter, inches, conversion, quadrilateral, standard form, estimate, perimeter, number sentence, dozen, closest to, solid figure, flat surface, digit, operation sign, unit, quart, ounce gallon, centimeter, fraction,  
                     Symbols –  >    <    +   -   =   X   division symbol.   
Math skills - - subtraction , addition, multiplication, division.  
Problems are put sideways   5 - 3 = ?  They will need to know how to write the problem to compute it.           5
                          - 3

Grade 5
Difficult words - prey, disqualified, inventive, narrator, concept, fantasy, conflict, passage, scorches, non-fiction, paragraph, disguise, plural, solar-power, miles, consider, image, parentheses, value, biased, sample,  
 Mathematics terms - digits, pyramid, cylinder, flat faces, measurement, length, estimate, represents, divide, perimeter, units, figure, length, pattern, range, ounces, fluid ounces, least, symmetry, shape, scale, height, nearest, fraction, number line, expression, three-dimensional, plot, displays, median, quartile, telling time, value, number sentence, diagram, conversion chart, quadrilateral, standard form, thermometer, meter, scale, operations, represents, angle, mean, triangle, least common, multiple, equilateral, millimeters, triangle, scatter, Fahrenheit, average, data, decimal, grids, proportion, diameter, equation, divisible,   decimal, divide, equally, rotation, symmetry, perimeter, square, length, computation,   
 Capitalization - period, comma, question mark, colon, semi-colon, dash, quotes.
Math Skills - divide, multiply, add, subtract, fractions.
Written expression - topic sentences, unity and flow of ideas  in paragraphs, conclusions, letter                    writing, choosing the right word, verb tenses and subject-verb agreement.   

Grade 6   
Difficult Words - narrator, streamlining, immensely, squarely, rapturously, crooning, shipyard, freight, platforms, soloist, scolded, reconnaissance, preliminary, earnest, agitated, compliance, peering, administration, plentiful, suspended, phrases, adversary,
biased, randomly, survey, generated,  
Written expression - topic sentences, unity and flow of ideas  in paragraphs, conclusions, letter writing.  
Mathematics terms-value, operations, number sentence, representing, dashed line, angle, obtuse, straight , degrees, data, expression, equilateral, perimeter, millimeters, estimate, grids, decimal, proportion, divisible, equation, diameter, (mm), rotational symmetry, parentheses, square, grams, centimeters, milligrams, volume, cubic units, Celsius, geometric patterns, standard forms of numbers, pounds,   random, probability,  
range of measurement, decimal places parallelogram, integer, composite, odd numbers,  
Mathematics skills - dividing by numbers with many zeros; multiplication problems using parentheses such as  5 X (6 + 11) = ____ ; addition, subtraction, division, fractions, number problems with decimals,    
Punctuation- periods, questions, commas, colon, semi-colon, dash, addresses,   dates,  letters, commas with prepositional phrases and compound sentences, quotes.  

Grade 7  
Difficult words - web page, opinion, preliminary, reconnaissance, pace, suspended, adversary, decedents, saturated, meters, narrator, plates, probabilities,
Mathematics - geometric patterns, volume, symmetry, grams, centigrams, milligrams, cubic units, fractions, reading charts.  average, Celsius, congruent, circular, halves, pounds, value, equations, triangle, percentages, centimeter,  probability, odd and even numbers, integer, square units, height, width, coordinates,  kilowatt hours, base lines,
another way to express equations, surveys, random, averages, proportions, miles per hour (mph), stacked bar graphs, perimeter, yardstick, equation, rectangle,     
Mathematics Skills - reaching charts, geometric shapes, minus numbers,   value of x, estimating, minutes/hours/seconds, matching sides of equations, reading tables, discounted by percentage, equations using parentheses   -   30.20X + 40.15(10-X)
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.  Lots of problems with fractions and decimals,

Grade 8
Difficult Words - colonists, conversations, sign language, ascents, constant, descendants, paragraph, fiction, narrator, meters, torsos, infield, pace, saturated,
collapses, mantle, plate tectonics, magnetometer, magnetic, continents, rock cores,
emphasizes, micro-manager, optical illusion, menacing, atmospheric, environment,
contemplation, appropriate, catalogued, tutored, solitary, pilgrimage, vague, literal,
chagrined, tycoon, gargoyles, frieze, poised, metallic, sumptuous, relished, disdain,
extravagance, architect, abruptly, excessive, spire, excerpt, anxious, acquaintance,
prevail, self-conscious, civility, permanent, interpreted, biographies, segments, fragrance, segments, pyramid,   
Written Expressions - best way to write a sentence, conclusions for paragraphs, topic sentences for paragraphs, punctuation, best order of ideas, where to find books in the library (different sections), irrelevant information,   verb tenses, using the correct word,
sentence fragments, run-on sentences, accurate, generic,   
Mathematics - multiples, area, square, shaded figure, estimate, measurement, coordinates value, congruent, hour/minutes/seconds, symbol for angles, negative numbers, expressions, representing, base of a shape, survey, probabilities, average, mph = miles per hour, proportion, stacked bar graph, average, estimates, scale factor,  
centimeters, cubes, whole numbers, integer, minus numbers (negative), cubes, reading tables, perimeter, equation, solve, reading diagrams, outcomes, volume, rectangle,
prism, one thing representing another, equivalent to, tablespoons, ounces, dashed lines,  digits, significant digits, numerals, set, inequality, sequence, arithmetic, polyhedron, cone, sphere, cylinder, scale,   area, domain, graphed, real numbers,   
probability, complement, averages, millimeters (mm), precision,   median, quartile  
Mathematics Skills - equations using “X”,   5x + 7 = 22, fractions, angles,  equations using parenthesis -- (5 X 5)  X 10 =   , decimals in math problems, sequences of numbers,   symbol for less than and more than   <   >,   subtracting hours and minutes,
equations such as  5 X - y3 over y when x = 3 and y = 4, decimals to fractions or fractions to decimals,    Prime factorization, calculating percentages, estimating,
reading plot-scale graphs,    What number is a multiple of another number?, find the area of shapes, adding negative numbers, line under a less than or more than symbol,
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,  

Grade 9
Difficult Words - monstrous, enormous, height, legendary, rogues, hypotheses, intersect
tsunami, phenomena, realm, concentrations, sensors, adobe, innumerable, intertwined,
sprawled, parentheses, continent, conceived, crystalline, gaudy, narrative, chronological,
library catalog, drought, notch, stanza, personification, convey, memoir, accommodate,
tarnished, sulking, inferred, provoked, portray, glimpse, intrigued, stereotype, devour,  
keywords, links,   
Written Expression -   topic sentences, conclusions, flow of ideas in a paragraph, irrelevant information, best ideas to add to a paragraph, precision of words, best work usage, what to add and what to take out of a paragraph for unity and development,
sentence fragments, run-on sentences, pronoun usage, commas with compound sentences, verb tense, semi-colons, letter writing forms,   punctuation for lists, use of question marks, capitalization with proper names and titles, purpose of a thesaurus, verb tense,
Mathematics words and skills - fractions, algebraic equations using “x”, less than, greater than, calculating volume of cubes, symbol for angles, calculating degrees in shapes, sequencing, real numbers, calculating equations that use parentheses, word problems to solve, calculating square feet.  calculating real numbers from formulas,  meters, centimeters, data rankings, intercept, set of numbers, inequality, word problems,
skew, rectangular, segments,   addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, equations using parentheses, square roots, percentages, fractions to percentages,  

Grade 10, 11 and 12   
Difficult Words -continent, conceived, infinity, editions, inconceivable, ambitions, improbable, distinct, library catalog, neurological, modulated, anecdotal, onomatopoeia,
simile, apprenticeship, dignified, format,  severity, stupendous, excursion,  
Written Expressions - topic sentences, conclusions, flow of ideas in a paragraph, irrelevant information, best ideas to add to a paragraph, precision of words, best work usage, what to add and what to take out of a paragraph for unity and development,
sentence fragments, run-on sentences, pronoun usage, commas with compound sentences, verb tense, semi-colons, letter writing forms,   punctuation for lists, use of question marks, capitalization with proper names and titles, purpose of a thesaurus, verb tense, reading charts, diagrams, circle charts, letter writing skills,   
Mathematics Words and Skills -  fractions, algebraic equations using “x”, less than, greater than, calculating volume of cubes, symbol for angles, calculating degrees in shapes, sequencing, real numbers, calculating equations that use parentheses, word problems to solve, calculating square feet.  calculating real numbers from formulas,  meters, centimeters, data rankings, intercept, set of numbers, inequality, word problems,
skew, rectangular, segments,   addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, equations using parentheses, square roots, percentages, fractions to percentages, parallel lines, positive real number, “to the power of”,  various types of grouping symbols ()   [ ]