Women's Devotionals

Women's Devotionals


Christie speaks to groups around the United States and many times puts her popular messages into devotionals. These are two examples. of very popular topics turned into devotionals.
Women have found these to be wonderful to use in your small group as well as a gift for a friend.
The Transformed Faith of the Samaritan Women talks about the transformation that took place when Jesus met the Samaritan Woman and how that same transformation can take place in your life. This has been used in many women’s small groups some sharing that women in their group came to Christ as a result of the study. It, however, is also a deep challenge to older Christians.
He Called Her Daughter - After Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood, she had five areas in her life that needed healing. This is true for us as well. This devotional goes through those five areas, and the response to this devotional and to this talk have been amazing . Many say it has been live-changing in specific areas. It helps women focus on “working out their healing!”

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